
What is Torticollis and Flat Head Syndrome?

Torticollis and Flat Head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly) are very common and can affect your infant immediately after birth. When recognized and treated early, these conditions can usually be resolved with minimal therapy.

Tummy Time!

Tummy time is very important to help your infant develop their neck, shoulder, arm and back muscles. Tummy time will promote gross motor skills and allow your baby to learn how to push up, roll over, sit up, crawl and stand.

What is Torticollis and Flat Head Syndrome?

Torticollis and Flat Head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly) are very common and can affect your infant immediately after birth.  When recognized and treated early, these conditions can usually be resolved with minimal therapy. 

Torticollis is a condition that causes tightening of the muscles on one side of the neck causing the baby to favor turning and/or tilting their head in one direction.

Positional Plagiocephaly is characterized by a flat spot on one side or back of the skull, which can be caused from pressure in the womb, babies’ position during the day or at night, or torticollis.

At Just 4 Kids Physio we can:

  • Provide education and reassurance to parents
  • Correct the head tilt or rotational preference
  • Prevent or help treat Plagiocephaly
  • Monitor and treat developmental/gross motor delays
  • Refer to an Orthotist if necessary for helmet therapy

Tummy Time!

Tummy time is very important to help your infant develop their neck, shoulder, arm and back muscles. Tummy time will promote gross motor skills and allow your baby to learn how to push up, roll over, sit up, crawl and stand. Tummy time should begin when your baby arrives home from the hospital and should last anywhere from 30-90 minutes per day (depending on the baby’s age), broken up into small intervals.

Not only does tummy time promote gross motor skills, it is also important in maintaining a nice round head shape. Babies’ skulls are soft and constant pressure on the back of their head can have a flattening effect. It is therefore very important to vary your infant’s head position throughout the day.

Here are 3 fun tummy time ideas to try at home with your little one!

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Contact Us

Please Call us at 416 249-0704 to make an appointment and discuss your child’s needs

Email us at: [email protected]

We provide both clinic and home therapy visits across the GTA for your convenience.

 Clinic is located in Vaughan at Dufferin and Major Mackenzie

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